Visions Of Dryland


Welcome to
by Anita Witt

"A giant dried out lake, a parched and barren lakebed with hulks of old rusted ships, now resting on the dried cracked mud. A once desert island with decayed warehouse buildings which now holds a gallery. The surrounding landscape slowly being occupied by gypsies, carnies and tradespeople. This is Dryland, the new sim design by Anita Witt."

Inspired by the man-made disaster that is the giant dried out Aral Sea in Kazakhstan/Uzbekistan.
Once the fourth largest lake in the world. Now reduced to a pale (heavily polluted) shadow of its former self, by thoughtless and ineffective irrigation projects in the surrounding areas, effectively cutting off all major water sources.
More information about the Aral Sea here:

~ From "Welcome To Dryland" NoteCard ~
Ship In The Distance

Funny how things sometimes work out,  just yesterday I was telling Ocean that I needed to find something interesting to write about, well in my case to take photos of since that is my biggest passion in SL, photographing all those beautiful and interesting places that our talented creators put together for us to enjoy. Last night I was still clueless of what I would write about til this morning. As I was logging in I noticed some popular places, I was immediately drawn to this particular one, Dryland.
Old Rusted Ship

Upon arrival, my enthusiasm raised high when I realized that in fact my intuition for a great photos location was confirmed, Anita Witt had not let me down.  She very cleverly had created a beautiful, nostalgic place where peace and tranquility can be breathed in as soon as you land on the dock. 
The Pond

The peace that I felt while I was visiting is something that I search for in every place I explore in Second Life.  I can honestly say that it was one of my favorite things that I found at Dryland.

What I found very interesting was a small body of water that sits in the middle of all the dry land, surviving its surroundings. Not only has it stayed alive, but provides a home for the fish that swim in its fresh water and a family of ducks that swim about with no care in the world.

This existence of this "pond" in the middle of a dead land represents to me strength and courage. It represents the faith that we all should never lose no matter how hard our life gets.
This pond stays alive, not letting the world around it dictate its outcome. It remains strong and not only that, but in the process, it provides shelter to other living things.
A Look From Behind

Dryland has a wonderful photography exhibition on the main building at the dock where Anita Witt's wonderful art can be appreciated and purchased. Four other great Second Life photographers have joined Anita and are presenting their art as well. They are Melusina Parkin, Ziki Questi, Marlen Slazar and William Weaver.
Circo Picolo
Circo Picolo

"Woops ..... a baby"

Anita has invited Pallina60 Loon to feature her wonderful fertility and birth installation as seen on Burn2 back in October, 2012.

"Sometimes Mother Nature played with the destiny of human beings, so it can happen that you are in this world by chance, without which, those who have gone conceived, they had planned of creating a new life. this is how I have come to the world and I thank my parents for not having thrown me but not all those who were conceived accidentally have had the same fate, and therefore have never been born. What I realized is that no matter how you got here, the important thing is to be there and enjoy that.

This installation, entitled "Woops ..... a baby", portrays a mother nature that emerges from the arid playa to the Burn2 and play (for this reason has a red nose of a clown) with the creation of life. You make a dive into the past to when you were not yet born, and from within the womb of your mother, you could hear her sing a lullaby for you (or at least I like to imagine that he did so). But above all, enjoy yourself :-))"
~ From Pallina60 Loon NoteCard ~

The Albatross Airship

Beauty can be found everywhere you look, even up in the sky. The Albartoss Air Ship has to be one of Drylans's unique attractions. 

There are two things that I ask of you when you visit this incredible Sim. First, don't forget to check out the Photo gallery while you are there. The talent of these five Second Life photographers is absolutely amazing and I don't doubt you'll be leaving with one of their artistic photos.
Second, as I always ask of you, please, PLEASE make a donation to Anita Witt's donation barrel located at the landing point (deck). Remember that this is the best way of showing our appreciation for her hard work.
Our donations help keep those Sims we love so much open 
Dancing At Sunset

Before I leave I want to leave you with this image.

Two beings dancing under the sunset sky.
This is Ocean and me wearing a Kokopelli , Avatar Rigged Mesh that you can get for free at the Circo Picolo.

Ocean thank you for making this "Exploring SL" in Dryland post so fun and special for me.
Love ya 

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