All work and no play
... makes Lori a dull girl.

I bet you recognize this line. It is from the 1980 horror film The Shining starring Jack Nicholson.
Actually, I change the last part to better suit me ;) This is not the first time I use this line in one of my
posts. Back in June 2011, these same words appeared in this blog for the first time. I bet you will be
seeing them again in the future ;) And why not, they are from my favorite horror film of all time.

There are so many scenes that I love, like when Jack's wife, Wendy (Shelly Duvall) discovers 
what Jack has been typing over and over again...

or when Jack breaks the door with the ax. 

But my
favorite scene is when Danny, Jack's and Wendy's son,  possessed by his imaginary friend, says
Repeated REDRUM, OMG,

 Sooo scary.

So yeah, if you ask my friends they will tell you that I have become dull DULL dull :P 
Sorry guys, but I am not socializing much in-world these days. I prefer to keep myself busy at all
 times, then find myself buried in dramas and troubles. You all know how it is, so eas
 to find yourself caught in situations that have nothing to do with you, not a beeswax!

What was once days of spending time with friends and visiting Tempura has turned into days 
of keeping to myself for most of the time. I work from home and only go out if I have to. The
communication I have in-world now is by IMs and usually with the designers I work with and an
occasional hello from a friend. I may be busy as I said before, but I still always take the time
 to return at least a quick hello. 

My busy status has caused me a few friendships already. It is always sad to lose a friend but I
understand that many of the people that visit SL come to socialize and spend time with friends.
I do understand their reasons for dropping me like a sack of potatoes :P  Only those that I have a really
strong bond with are the ones that remain. They understand and support me in everything I do.
They give me the time and the space I need to do my work. Those are the friends that I know I can
count on at any second I may need them. Those friendships don't die or are forgotten. 
We don't fall apart or stop caring for each other. We just pause the interaction but automatically 
pick up right where we left with a simple hello.

Do I feel guilty for keeping myself so busy?
Not at all!
It does sadden me to see that I've lost a few friends due to this but I don't feel guilty at all. 
Most of the friends that still remain are people like me that have another purpose in SL other than 
just socializing. So they too keep busy schedules. Only some of the newer friendships are the ones 
that already said bye-bye.

I am enjoying my time here in the way I have chosen and that doesn't make me a bad person or even a
bad friend. It just makes me a busy friend ;P

Love you all, but got to run now, I don't have time for this.
JuSt KiDDinG :P


I might not be leaving 
Oh so soon 
Began the night believing 
I loved you in the moonlight...

Before I forget
BIG BEAR HUG for Sidney Bluestar, creator of SUP POSES.

These beautiful poses are from her 
Privacy Screen Set
Comes with 7 single poses and screen texture (3 To Choose From)  changes by clicking on each panel.

Hair ~ Bebe * Night ~ Truth
Skin ~ Woman- Quebec inc. ~ N/A
Eyes ~ classic moroccan night (Medium) Bright ~ Poetic Colors
Dress ~ Strapless Dress White Horse (NEW) ~ .:GD:. Glow Designs
Nails ~ Drow (NEW) ~ Bamboo Nails
Rose ~ White ~ Actic Greenhouse
Bracelet ~star&skull ~ SEY
Location ~ My Studio
Model & Photographer ~ Lori Novo

♥⊱Thanks To All The Wonderful Designers For Their Support ... Hugs ⊰♥

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