Let Me Tell You What It's Like To Be a Zero


When I think I've seen it all in Second Life, I go on and meet someone less than one...

Hello Beautiful World!
Please meet our new friend ZERO (surrendertome)
Who's been super certified by the verifier Second Life experts.

"I am verified by a certified verifier who knows how to verify things.
That verifier is verified by a certified verifier that verifies verifiers.
So you can say i am all certified verified, in doubt, contact my verifier."
- Taken from zero's profile

Ummm... what?!

Ok, honestly there shouldn't be any confusion, he's got to be the most awesome Zero you will
ever have the pleasure of meeting in Tempura Island. All cool sitting on the golden bridge while
drinking a glass of red wine and wearing a mask to protect himself from everyONE around him,
get it? :P

Keeping a zero status must be a hard job to do. A little slip and he can instantly become a one
and if the slip is big enough he can even jump all the way to a two. Now, we don't want that.
We want our zero to stay just as he is. ;)

"I am content to be me. :)"
- Taken from zero's profile

Cheers Zero!
for a long and happy life full of everything that resembles your name like
golf balls
car wheels
oreo cookies
boobies, oops I meant bubbles
You get the idea.

I leave you now with a video from Zero's profile, Enjoy!
Over & Out.

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