The Nature Lover

My Writings,Virtualandy Capra (Andy),Friends,Chats,Quiet Irish Parkland,

Virtualandy Capra, or Andy as I rather call him, has to be my #1 nature-loving friend.
The day I met Andy I was sitting on top of a hill with my head resting on a rock 
looking down at the river that runs through the mountains and waiting as I always did... 
but I won't bore you with the details of what or who I was waiting for, that is not important.
Andy came to my side almost as if the rain had brought him to me. Soon after as he had
said hello, the rain started falling down...

The day we met, my poor Andy had to deal with a withdrawal Lori. 
I was feeling like I needed to be alone. He stood by my side and started so passionately
talking about the rain and nature. I kept quiet and occasionally I would answer back with
 as few words as I could... I just didn't feel like talking much. However, my not so friendly
behavior didn't discourage him and he continued to talk. Now I am glad he stayed with me
by the rock. He described his memories of nature so well, that I could almost feel as if I had
shared those very same experiences and feelings with him. Almost as I had been there.

Andy has a way with words. He is very well educated and wise and a complete gentleman.
The other day as we were dancing he had this to say...

Virtualandy Capra: I like bare feet......feels so easy and natural
Lori Novo: I know, I almost never wear shoes in SL
Virtualandy Capra: you're like an Isadora Duncan, if you know of her...
Lori Novo: no who is that?
Virtualandy Capra: she was a very free-spirited dancer.....
often considered the creator of modern dance......
Lori Novo: ahhhh :))))
Virtualandy Capra: but she died tragically in the late 1920's, I think, 
when she threw her long scarf over her shoulder and it 
got caught in the wheels of the motor car she was riding in
Lori Novo: OMG how sad :(
Virtualandy Capra: it was......
Virtualandy Capra: but she always danced barefoot
Lori Novo: just like me
Virtualandy Capra: yup :))
Lori Novo: I could just die dancing this music and barefoot :)
Virtualandy Capra: love this music
Virtualandy Capra: you're fun to dance with :)
Virtualandy Capra: I think because you enjoy it so much :)
Lori Novo: I do, I love dancing
Lori Novo: anywhere I go in SL, you'll see me dancing
Virtualandy Capra: :))))....dancing is the love of life
Virtualandy Capra: pure joy
Lori Novo: yes, just like rain is nature's music
Virtualandy Capra: oh.....I like that
Lori Novo: :)

My good friend is so kind, that even though he is an amazing writer, he always has beautiful complimentary words for my articles. He even likes the pictures I take. This is what he had to say when I showed him my Belly Dancing article;

Virtualandy Capra: you can feel the dance in your blog!
Lori Novo: :)
Virtualandy Capra: it's full of life
Lori Novo: awww ty
Virtualandy Capra: you instantly get the spirit of it
Lori Novo: :)

The other day my good friend Andy wanted to show me a great cave he had found for me. 
As soon as he teleported me to this wonderful location, we immediately ventured in. 
The cave was amazingly breathtaking. At one point, deep inside, a river crossed our path 
and we couldn't help jumping into the clear, freshwater. From that point on we continued 
exploring by swimming and occasionally stopping when we came upon every beautiful spot. 
We stopped, took in the beauty of nature, and then continued again.

Virtualandy Capra: see that cave in front of you??
Lori Novo: yes :)
Virtualandy Capra: that's where we're going :)
Lori Novo: how exciting, I love caves!
Virtualandy Capra: come!
Lori Novo: its amazing!
Virtualandy Capra: very different than anything Ive seen in SL
Lori Novo: I know, how did u find it?
Virtualandy Capra: yes...really neat
Virtualandy Capra: stumbled on it
Lori Novo: I love this part
Virtualandy Capra: something different at every turn
Virtualandy Capra: great, isn't it!
Lori Novo: it's beautiful
Lori Novo: very beautiful and peaceful here
Virtualandy Capra: really is
Virtualandy Capra: I thought you'd like it
Lori Novo: I looove it, TY :)
Virtualandy Capra: there are some even better places to dance just ahead.....
fields of flowers
Lori Novo: I love this place
Virtualandy Capra: love this just envelopes you
Lori Novo: yes it does :)

Andy has a great passion for nature and the way he describes memories of past moments
 he experienced out in the wilderness, makes you almost feel as you were there with him. 
He appreciates things that many of us would usually overlook, 
like a fallen tree that rests above the green grass :)

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