Vita's Halloween Fair

Vita's Boudoir finally opened its Halloween Fair two days ago to the public. 
I couldn't wait to see what they had in store for all of us and as always, 
they didn't let me down. As soon as I arrived, I was greeted by a very handsome 
skeleton that sits at the entrance. Could this be one of Vita's designers? :O

Walking in, I was glad to see the many wonderful items they had put together
 at their Halloween Fair location. From their Sculpted Avatars to hats and much more.
 I even noticed that the second floor of this building is completely empty so I am 
assuming there will be more great items added as we get closer to Halloween. 
We just have to wait and see.

Continuing are all the items that are available for us at the moment.

Oh, the Beautiful Death (L$950) which was the costume 
I said I was going to get next. Fortunately, I didn't have to, since it was sent to me. 
Thanks for the gift buddy <3  Did you know that the heart actually beats. 
It is absolutely an amazing piece to add to your Halloween wardrobe collection. 
It comes with a scythe included just for protection, you never know ;)

Now, if you are only interested in the Vampire Queen Crown that comes 
in the Beautiful Death package, you can always purchase it separate for L$450.

I was thrilled to see that Vita had made a special display spot 
for my favorite Halloween gown, the  "I'll Die For You..." dress (L$950). 
But if you are only interested in the headpiece, the Skull Roses Mask
once again Vita gives you the opportunity to buy it separate for L$350.

Real Gentleman Avatar L$1,890

Bloody Mary L$1,890

Sculpted Skeleton Avatar L$980
Thriller Dance Animation Included

Broken Wings L$650

I Give You My Heart L$200
This will be the next addition to my closet.

Battleflies Hero L$350

Guja Snake Queen L$950

Lil Piece Of Meat L$200

Red Demon Heroin L$350

Baronessa Castelli Hat L$350

Little Bird Hat L$350

Ghost Attack! L$50

Flying Ghost L$250

Deluxe Antique Broom L$350
Animated Cat On It

Vacuum Cleaner For Modern Witches L$350
Magical Color Hud So You Can Match It With Your Shoes

Now that I have shown you all the cool items that you can find at the Vita's 
Halloween Fair, I'll take my black cat out for a ride across the dark Second Life sky.

PHOTO'S LOCATION: Vita's Boudoir, Bonaire12 - Moderate