Man At Work

No matter what Ocean arms himself with, he will always look fineee!
This time he traded his zombie killing weapons for a hammer and other construction tools. You must know that Ocean has very creative construction skills and now he has started to get serious and get down to work and create beautiful things for MEEEEE :P

Well, actually he has no choice, I kept pressuring the poor man to put his skills to use. Heck, I even suggested to him  to open a store in the Market Place. I am such a pusher :P
Maybe if I use my charms wisely I can even get him to split the profits 50/50 with me ;)

Bottom line.
I absolutely looove a person that has some creative and constructive purpose in Second Life and is not here just to hang around. Second Life, as I said many times before, is a place that has to be enjoyed in a more creative and artistic way in order to find its true meaning.

But now let me show you two of Ocean's creations

This beautiful white gazebo is Ocean's first creation. It sits on our back garden and I intend to fill it up with red roses. 

This huge dance platform is what Ocean is working on at the moment. It's being created with lots of love for a very special event that is planned in a very near future. The best thing about Ocean's creations is that they are at very low prim which I love.
What Big Daddy (Ocean) doesn't know yet is that I have a list of things that I want him to make for me. That will keep him busy for a while but hush, that is our secret ;)