Stolen Wheels


Lori Novo: baby
Lori Novo: would you rather skip a night to watch a game, play games, or come see me?
Steppenwolf (steppen.crescendo): definitely come to see you
Lori Novo: awww baby
Steppenwolf (steppen.crescendo): no question
Lori Novo: muahhhhhhh that's why I love you so much!

Tonight we went dancing to LAS MUCHACHAS CLUB (Moderate)
And as usual, all the women there were super sexy with huge boobs and butts and I was the only
one with everything tiny. Not wanting to feel left out, I put on a huge fur hat so that at least I had
something big on me. :P My Steppenwolf however, loves my tiny everything and doesn't want
me to change a thing. While we were dancing, he gave me a HUGE surprise. About five years ago
he bought me a new car for Valentine's Day, in real life. Unfortunately, my beautiful car got stolen
about a year ago at a Target parking lot, along with two other cars parked close to mine. My car
was never found which probably was taken across the border to Mexico since I live just a few minutes
away from the Hidalgo, Texas - Reynosa, Tamaulipas border. This happens often in the area where I live.
Vehicles get stolen, taken to Mexico to be sold, or stolen to be used for illegal activities and
later are found completely burnt. I didn't have full insurance coverage on my car when
it got stolen so it was a total loss. My Steppenwolw has been paying for all the Lyft & Uber rides
I need to take during this time. Tonight he surprised me with the news that he will be getting
me another new car this coming year. I am jumping with joy!!!

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