First Date With El Guapo


Ready for this weekend's sales? I can't wait to see what amazing deals I will find.
But now please meet El Guapo, one of my boy kitties. He is the Sphynx Animesh (Holdable) v1.0.2
available at the [Rezz Room] which lucky for me was at a discounted price of 40% off during their
summer sale ending on July 10th. I absolutely fell in love with this very handsome creature which
I couldn't resist taking out on a date...

I named him El Guapo (The Handsome) for obvious reasons. ;)
Now, let's get ready, get set, and GO for those weekend sales that are out there waiting for us!

Credits On Me
Usagi Society - Viperinne  Hair ● NOIR - The Femme Fatale Dress - Red

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